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(Photo Courtesy: www.careerstep.com) |
So the first thing that we want to say to every student who thinks he/she is weak is that Nobody is weak in this world, so always think positive and believe in yourself that you are not the weak or weakest student. We are saying that nobody is weak because no body is weak by birth, its just insincerity, laziness, lack of proper planning etc.
The major difference between a topper and a student who scores less marks is consistency and sincerity, the students who score more marks do their work on time and at least give few hours daily to studies. We are not giving lecture here, we are just giving the differences so don't get bored. If you are lazy, insincere to your work then its fine there is nothing bad in it, every individual has different life style. Every individual has its own qualities that makes them different from others, it is not necessary that the students who score good marks are good in other activities like playing baseball, playing guitar, swimming, dancing, singing etc.
So the thing that we want to say is that you should not think negative always think positive because if you think positive only then the positive things will happen for eg. If the Wright Brothers would have thought on their first attempt that they couldnt fly then definitely they wouldn't have invented Airplane and today we would not be traveling in them. Also you might have heard a very famous couplet in Hindi "Man Ke Haare Haar Hai, Man Ke Jeete Jeet" which means if you consider yourself to be already defeated then you can never win in any field.
So think always positive and always sit in examination hall with the mind set that you could never be failed, and i will fight this battle hard. If teacher wants to fail me then he/she will have to check my all answers very carefully otherwise i could not be failed.
So the things that we require to clear any examination is Positive Attitude, Little Preparations, Proper Planning and Fantastic Execution. So the next thing is that we discuss all these four things in details and these four things will describe you the way to clear your board examinations.
Positive Attitude:
Always sit in the examination with positive attitude and never think that you could be failed, sit in the room with a motive that i would leave this room only when i ensure that i would be passed. Also a day before exam do not take much stress on yourself, relax your body properly and take a healthy sleep so that your mind would work on its full potential. Otherwise a stressed mind can never give its 100 percent.
Little Preparations:
The more you prepare the better results you would get. But if you don't like study much then simply follow these steps:
- Take the overview of all the chapters that is do not read or learn the entire book just open the chapters see the main headings read few lines about them and always look for figures, diagrams because they are the key to get passed in examination. If there are derivations then learn the outcomes of it and few starting lines so that you could write something about them if they come in examination.
- If some topic has few subheadings then learn the names of subheadings, because teachers have to check thousands of copies and they are also getting money for that so most of the teachers look at subheadings not the matter inside it. If they lookout for every word then it would be impossible for them to check all the copies.
- Make sure to read all the chapters, never leave a chapter completely even in the worst case just read few lines and few topics from every chapter because every chapter has its own weight-age.
Proper Planning:
This is the main thing to consider, planning is the thing that makes students different from others. You might have seen some students who study almost entire day but they do not get the marks that they deserve. This is the case of improper planning. The world is moving very fast, so there is a need of smart work not entire hard work, yes we do believe that hard work pays but it pays very slowly but since we do not have much time to study as we are weak students and late boomers who always picks up book at last moments so hard work is not the thing for us, we must rely on smart work. Because if hard work is everything then the donkey would be the king of Jungle, so inspire yourself by a Lion, who sleeps almost 16-18 hours a day and does the smart work. So roar like a lion and make a proper plan for yourself. You should include these points in your plan to score good marks:
- Purchase the previous five year papers and look at the repeating questions mainly focus on long answers because every chapter has few long answers that are repeated every year. On the basis of these papers set a paper for yourself not just set a paper of 100 marks, you are not a teacher got it, so listen if your paper has 20 question then pick out 40-50 most appropriate questions from previous year papers.
- After that think that if a particular question comes in exam then how would i answer it that is how would i present it, on which keywords i have to focus for that particular question.
- Decide the length of answers, if a question of 10 marks comes in exam then how much words i would use to write that particular answer. Always keep in mind that if you spend your ink then you would definitely get marks, more or less doesn't matter but you would get marks for spending your ink. So spend as much as ink you can and never think of leaving a question.
- Make sure you would not leave any question that contains figures, diagrams, charts etc. So draw them, keep practicing them, wake up the artist inside you, you are the Leonardo da Vinci lol.
- Do some writing practice, always keep in mind that good handwriting and good presentation will always get you some extra marks. So prepare yourself with your guns and bullets for exams that is pen, pencil, rubber, scale etc.
Now its the time to pick up the guns, consider all questions as your enemy so you would have to finish all of them. If you are not able to finish them then at least made them wounded so that they could not stand up in front of you. In simple words as there is a line mentioned almost on all the question papers that "Attempt all questions, all questions are necessary". If the board itself saying you to attempt all the questions so why are you leaving some questions, this is injustice with the board so attempt all the questions. Now keep certain things in mind at the time of giving the examination:
- Relax yourself for five minutes before the exam starts.
- When you get the question paper in your hand, pick out the questions that you can answer properly that is arrange them according to knowledge of the answers you have.
- First write those answers which you know the most and try to present in best possible way because first impression is last impression. If you write an answer that includes various errors, cuttings then definitely teacher will create a wrong image about you and will not give you good marks.
- Draw as much diagrams as possible, for example: if a question doesn't have a diagram but it has five points then write five points in boxes.
- After you write all the answers you know, then start picking up the questions for which you don't know the answers. Now in such case most students think that what teacher would think about them if they write a wrong answer, so listen board teachers are living outside your city, they don't know you, so let them think whatever they want just focus on answering each and every question as it is written on the top of question paper "Attempt all questions, all questions are compulsory/necessary". By not writing answer you are doing injustice with the Board. Also there are millions of students who are appearing in the same examination along with you and all of them are writing billion type of answers so never feel fear in writing any answer.
- So, how to write answers for the questions that you don't know- Try to figure out the keyword of the question, in most case like in definitions they are taken from the real world so if you know the meaning of the word then try to relate it with the question and write your answer which is walking around the same keyword. In such questions write answers in paragraph otherwise you get caught. In the start of paragraph mainly first two lines, write the same lines that is given in questions because teachers read only first few lines and decides the quality of answer. By writing in this way you would get at least few marks where previously you were getting nothing for not writing the answer.
- Try to break the keyword to get the answer for eg. if a there is question asking you "what is Internet ?" - Then you break the two words Inter and Net. Here you can get the meaning of Inter if you know the difference between Inter and Intra. Basically Inter means "in between something" like link in between devices and Intra means "within something" like within the same device you get some additional features. Whereas Net is clearly mentioning that it is talking about network. So now you can write a related definition of Internet like internet is a network of devices which are connected with each other etc and since devices are connected so they can exchange information. In that way you would reach near to your answer.
- If you are not getting any keyword and you have tried everything then try to relate your answer with the subject and if you know chapter from which the question is asked then try to relate it with that chapter.
- Last but not the least, this is funny but one of our fellow described these two tricks that you can try to get at least one mark out of 10 or 5 even if you do not know a single word about the answer.
- Choose the question for which you are not able to write even a single word, then start writing answer in the poorest handwriting that even you cant read it properly. We know that's funny but in worst case scenario if you get one marks where you are getting zero then its a bonus for you. Every single mark matters.
- For the question whose answer you don't know attempt it at last and make sure that after that question you are not going to write anything. So attempt it at last write 4-5 lines in poorest handwriting and draw a line towards the bottom of the page pretending that teacher is snatching your copy at the last moments of exam. This will earn you some sympathy and you will get at least one mark for your efforts.
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