Saturday 30 August 2014

How To Develop Proper Eating Routine

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'Health is wealth', this idiom has a very deep and thoughtful meaning in life. Health is the most important priority in our life. If one has a good health then he/she will be able to give 100 percent to his/her work and will live each and every moment of life in a fruitful way. Mostly people indulge so much in their work and other issues that they forget about their health which should be one's topmost priority. Most of the health problems occur due to not following proper daily eating routine or because of poor routine that's why about 70 percent of people in the India  and majority of people in outside countries are the victims of daily health problems. So this is our sincere effort to help people, so that daily health problems can be minimized and people can live their life joyfully.

We follow the routine of Light breakfast in morning then lunch is slightly heavier than breakfast and then dinner is the heaviest which is totally wrong, or we can say almost opposite. According to the Ayurvedic Shastra our digestion process is directly or indirectly connected with sunrise or sunset, this is the fact very few people know. So our eating routine should be according to the sunrise or sunset.

The few different ways by which we can develop a healthy eating routine in our lives are as follows :

1. First meal of the day should be one or two hour after full sunrise which you can call breakfast. Eg. if sun rises at 7:00 am, you should take your meal up to 9:00 am positively. This meal should be heaviest i.e. eat as much as you can to make your stomach full because this is the peak time. At this time digestive fire in our stomach is most intense and what will you take, will get maximally digested and contributed towards your health. In this meal you can take anything healthy you like the most.

2. If you still feel hungry in the afternoon, take light meals. In this meal you are restricted to fruits, salad, juice etc or other light diets such as khichdi (An Indian meal made of rice and mung bean).

3. Dinner should be taken one or two hours after sunset. Eg. If sun sets at 5:00 pm, you should take your dinner up to 7:00 pm positively. Dinner should be the lightest among all the meals.

4. Milk should be taken after the dinner in the night.

5. Eat two to three times a day. Do not try to consume everything at once.

By developing this eating routine, the quality of health will be enhanced and daily health problems will be reduced and quality of life will be improved.

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