Monday 1 September 2014

How To Motion Positive Energy In Our Body

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Energy is the prime cause of everything that happens in our universe. When an object is at rest it has potential energy, when object is in motion it has kinetic energy. These are the two main types of energy. There are many other forms of energy such as mechanical energy, heat energy, chemical energy, electric energy, gravitational energy etc. These energy forms are transformed from one to another thus follows the Law Of Conservation Of Energy which states that energy can neither be created nor be destroyed, but only transformed from one form to another.

The basic idea we want to convey here that we are surrounded by energy everywhere around us either it is a non living object or a living being. It is a basic source of anything to survive in this world.

Similarly in human beings, we have energy stored in our body which we get from food we eat. But the energy motions in our body are  in two forms. It is either Positive Energy or Negative Energy and it is totally depend on us how we are transforming our body energy into positive one or negative one.

Some Methods/Ways By Which One Can Transforms Its Body Energy Into Positive Energy :

1. Wake up early in the morning and go for a long walk. Fresh air helps your mind to relax and clears all forms of garbage from your mind that you stored a day before.

2. Try to take first rays of sun at the time of its rise. They are the source of newly fresh energy in your body. In Indian culture it is called Surya Namaskar.

3. Try to meditate for at least 5-10 minutes daily. It helps in gather your all scattered energy.

4. Take fresh fruits or juice. 

5. Do not consume stale or old food. Take fresh and healthy diet.

6. Follow proper routine, take adequate rest because healthy mind and body comes with positive energy.

7. Do not watch or read things that contains too much violence. Try to read or watch lighthearted entertainment, innovative and knowledgeable things.

8. Try to ignore negative thoughts in mind. Always try to think positive, try to figure the positiveness in the most difficult circumstance also.

9. Do not fight or argue with anyone without any reason because it is a source of negative or wastage of energy and disturbs your mind too. Try to channelize your energy and spend it in innovative or recreational things.

10. Try to right up things about yourself. It will help you to understand yourself better and in bringing requisite changes in yourself.

Benefits Of Positive Energy :

If someone is filled with positive energy then he/she will have :

1. Good health.

2. More optimistic as compared to person with negative energy.

3. Full of enthusiasm.

4. Constructive thinking.

5. Judge or see every perspective of life in a positive or beneficial way.

6. Loving and caring nature.

7. Positive attitude towards life.

8. Focused mind towards the aim.

These are the few things which will help one to motion positive energy in oneself and he/she will be able to live his/her life joyfully and will focus positively towards aim.

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